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與子厚帖 Letter to Zhi-ho

軾啟;前日少致區區,重煩誨荅。且審台候康勝,感慰兼極。歸安邱園,早歲共有此意,公獨先獲其漸,豈勝企羨!但恐世緣已深,未知果脫否耳無緣一見,少道宿昔為恨,人還布謝,不宣。 軾頓首再拜子厚宮使正議兄執事 十二月廿七日

Letter to Zhi-ho

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In the letter Su Shih wrote about his envy on Tseng Kung, for Tseng Kung was able to resign from the office earlier than he. He also expressed how he felt on not knowing if they could have opportunities to see each other again in the future.

