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致季常書帖 Letter to my deeply close friend

一夜尋黃居寀龍不獲,方悟半月前是曹光州借去摹搨,更須一兩月方取得。恐王君疑是翻悔,且告子細說與,纔取得即納去也。卻寄團茶一餅與之,旌其好事也。 軾白季常 廿三日

Letter to my deeply close friend

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This was a letter Tungpo addressed to Chen Chichang to talk about little things that happened in life. He told him he had been looking for a calligraphy sample but he was unable to find it. Later, he remembered it was lent to someone and it would not be returned in a short period. He was worried he would not be able to get it back. In addition, he told Chicchang he wanted to give him a tea cake as a present. They were deeply closed friends and there was nothing they could not say to each other. As a result, even if it is a paltry thing Tungpo would tell Chichang without getting bored. At the time Tungpo was expelled and his financial condition was not steady, friends were worried about him. Tungpo often told his friends little things happened in his daily life in order to let them know he was optimistic toward life and he was not influenced by difficult situation.

