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漁夫破子詞帖 Fisherman with wine

漁父飲,誰家去?魚蟹一時分付。酒無多少醉為期,彼此不論錢數。 右漁父破子一漁父醉,蓑衣舞,醉裹卻尋歸路。孤舟短棹任斜橫,醒後不知何處。 右漁父破子二 軾

Fisherman with wine

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

Both poems described what happened to a fisherman. The fisherman wanted to have some wine, but where to? He gave all his fish and crabs to the tavern. No matter how much wine he drank he would not stop until he got drunk. The fisherman exchanged his fish for wine and owed no debts. When the fisherman was drunk, he walked like dancing. He fell asleep in his boat and it drifted away. As he woke up he did not know where he was.

