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與郭廷評書帖 Letter to Kuo Ting-Pin

軾啟:辱教具審,孝履支持。承來日遂行,適請數客,未得走別。來晨如不甚早發,當詣見次。梅君書寫未及,非久差人去也。李六丈近遣人齎書去,且為致懇。酒兩壺,以飲從者而已。不宣。 軾再拜至孝廷平郭君 三日

Letter to Kuo Ting-Pin

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In the letter, Sh Shih explained his plane to Kuo. He was to plan leaving the next day, and told Kuo if he did not leave on schedule he would pay a visit to him.

