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遣過子帖 Write to my youngest son, Su Kuo

元豐八年正月旦日,子由夢李士甯草草為具,夢中贈一絕句云:「先生惠然肯見客,旋買雞豚旋烹炙。人間飲酒未須嫌,歸去蓬萊卻無喫。」明年閨二月六日,為余道之,書以遺過子。 坡翁

Write to my youngest son, Su Kuo

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This was a letter Tungpo wrote to his youngest son (Su Kuo). He told his son that his uncle (Su Tse) had dreamed that he received a poem written by Li Shihnin. He wrote it down and sent to Su Kuo. At that time, Tungpo was demoted, but Shen Chung died later and Che Chung inherited the crown. Tungpo was then favored by the emperor and was granted important administration authority. Su Tse’s dream seemed to be a prediction on Tungpo’s return to the regime.

