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穎沙彌帖 A letter to Tsanliaotzu

東坡被貶至儋州(海南島)後,許多朋友都很擔心他的狀況,因為那時的海南島衛生條件、飲食等的一切生活環境都不是很好,所以就有友人想去看他,或是和他一起生活,其中參寥子雖是出家人,但也基於這樣的心情,想去儋州見東坡。 這封信就是在這樣的背景下寫成的,因為東坡從其他友人傳來的消息得知參寥子要來儋州,就寫信告訴他,希望他不要來,至於真正的原因,其實並不是如信上所言是擔心海上風浪太大,雖然這也是原因之一,但是真正的原因是當時已有人準備要對參寥子不利,所以東坡不希望參寥子和他走得太近,以免再被別人抓到把柄,而來陷害參寥子。

A letter to Tsanliaotzu

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In the beginning of the letter, Tungpo gave a compliment on one of Tsanliaotzu’ disciples named Ying who was a neophyte. Tungpo thought that Ying was not only good at calligraphy, also had thorough apprehension on Buddhism and he would turn out to be an extraordinary disciple some day. However, the main point of the letter was to tell Tsanliaotzu not to come to visit him. The real reason was not because of the bad weather and strong weaves at the sea, but that someone was going to set Tsanliaotzu up. Tungpo did not want Tsanliaotzu to keep close contact with him otherwise Tsanliaotzu would get involved as well.

