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與穎叔帖 Congratulate Ying Shu’s promotion

遼啟:近已奉狀,計徹左右。秋杪氣勁,伏惟體候清勝。遼於此粗如前,得敦師書,承大旆薄海陵而還。今宜已安治府。東南大計,一出指麾,使權益重,不次之寵,未可量也。向寒惟希保重,以尉卷卷。不宣。 遼上穎叔制置大夫閤下 九月廿五日

Congratulate Ying Shu’s promotion

Shen Liao, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In addition to giving personal greetings and informing recent condition, an implicit writing style was conveyed to congratulate Ying Shu on his promotion in office, power gaining as well as unlimited potential in his political future.

