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與質夫帖 A greeting letter

布頓首:還朝雖久,未獲一接,緒論傾企,不忘比蒙,枉顧不遺,豈勝感慰,秋意加爽,竊惟優游圖史之間,諸況甚適拘文,無緣造謁,但增鄉往。謹奉啟敘謝不宣 布 手啟上質夫學士 侍史

A greeting letter

Tseng Pu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a simple greeting letter and it briefly describes what Tseng Pu had been doing. He had not contacted Chang Chichfu since he returned from the capital, but he kept the friendship in his mind. He also talked about season saying that autumn was a very comfortable season and it was a good time to do reading and writing.

