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與從事帖 A farewell letter

絳頓首:猥蒙訪別,以未由陸見,不及舟次敘違。其為悚戀,不勝懇懇。乍遠談對:切冀倍加愛重為最。走此陳謝,匆匆不宣。絳再拜從事同年兄 十七日 書一角,錢十三千七十七陌,牋紙二軸,並託求使人致錢唐知縣舍弟太祝處。容易干煩,不勝愧仄、愧仄。

A farewell letter

Han Chiang, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a farewell letter written by Han Chiang to a friend who is in the same age as he. Han Chiang had to leave in a hurry and did not have enough time to say good bye to his friend. He thanked the friend for taking care of him while he stayed there. In the end of the letter he asked the friend to forward some goods to his brother.

