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與元珍帖 Not to chase power anymore

脩啟:氣候不常,承動履清安,辱口誨存問感愧。脩拙疾如故,然請外非為疾,亦與諸公求罷,而從容於進退者異也。諒非遂請不能已,然亦必易遂也。承見諭,敢及之。 脩頓首 元珍學士 子固伸意

Not to chase power anymore

Ouyang Hsiu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In this letter Ouyang Hsiu indicated he was a clumsy person. The reason he requested to transfer out of the capital was not because he was ill, he simply did not want to stay in the capital to work with those courtiers who chase power.

