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跋趙吳興書 An article

余年十八,學晉人書,得其形模,便目無吳興。今老矣,始知吳興書法之妙。每見寂寥短卷,終日愛玩。吳興亦云:俗子朝學執筆,夕已自夸。今知免矣。 董其昌為信孺兄題

An article

Tung Chichang, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

In the article Tung Chichang mentioned when he was young he didn’t think Chao Mengfu’s calligraphy was good, as he was getting old he was then able to appreciate the beauty of Mengfu’s calligraphy, and he couldn’t help to look at it over and over again. He remembered Mengfu once said a shallow man would consider his calligraphy extraordinary while he was just learning how to hold a brush. He thought there were many people bragged so much but actually knew so little, but he was able to avoid such a fault.

