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仿顏蘇三帖 3 transcribed poems

拙於生事,舉家食粥來已數月。今又罄竭,祇益憂煎,惠及少米, 實濟艱勤。故令陳告也。右顏魯公《借米帖》。陰寒不審太保所苦已損為慰。病妻服藥,要少鹿脯,惠及數片。《文殊贊》未獲,望於麓中更撿發也。尋馳謁不次。右顏魯公《鹿脯帖》柳十九仲矩自共城來,持太官米作飯食我。且言百泉之奇勝,勸我卜鄰。此心飄然,已在太行之麓矣。 十七日,東坡居士書 董其昌

3 transcribed poems

Tung Chichang, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

These three poems were originally written by Yen Chenching and Su Shih (Su Tungpo) and transcribed by Tung Chichang. The first one is a letter Yen Chenching wrote to a friend for borrowing some rice. The second one is to thank a friend for giving medicine to his wife who was sick . The third one depicts a friend paid a visit to Tungpo and cooked a delicious meal for him; he also described the magnificent landscape of Mt. Taihang and hoped Tungpo could move there to stay with him.

