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與龍岡帖 A explained letter to Lungkang

昨醉甚,假寐齋中奉候,不覺入夢。醒來已黃昏時,幸公負約耳,即來亦不能周旋也。語云:我醉欲眠君且去,此景良似之。一笑。湖上之約,俟磬室歸,當與同之。其他恐身不自由,已不能預訂也。頭岑岑,想是中酒。率爾奉復,不次。 小弟鳳翼頓首龍岡兄丈別 駕公門下

A explained letter to Lungkang

Chang Fengyi, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

In the letter Chang Fengyi explained to Lungkang what happened to him yesterday. He did not feel well while he was waiting for him because he had too much wine and felt dizzy. Galdly, Lungkang didn’t show up. He explained even if he had come he was unable of play host to him; therefore they could meet again when another friend came back; as for other friends, they probably had something else to do and would not come. In the end, he indicated he was still not recovered from the hangover; in another words, he was sorry if Lungkang was unhappy about his explanation.

