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錄王摩詰與裴迪書 A yearning letter to Feiti

夜登華子岡,輞水淪漣,與月上下,寒山遠火明滅,林外深巷,寒犬吠聲如豹。村墟夜舂,復與疏鐘相間。此時獨坐,僮僕靜默,每思曩昔攜手賦詩,當時春仲,卉木蔓發,輕口出水,白鷗矯翼,露濕青皋,麥雉朝雊,儻能從我遊乎? 延陵吳寬錄王摩詰與裴迪書

A yearning letter to Feiti

Wu Kuan, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a transcript Wu Kuan copied from a letter written by Wang Wei, a poet of Tang Dynasty, to his friend Feiti. While Wang Wei was strolling up to a hill in the middle of the night; the scenery made him realized he was a lonely man without any friends around him. Then he recalled the time he used to travel together with Teiti, and started to miss him. He wrote this letter asking Feiti when they could travel together again. In this letter Wang Wei revealed great affections to his friend .

