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書跋帖 2 Calligraphies

范文正公、司馬溫公二帖,林文安所藏,傳少司馬儀部郎,三世什襲猶新。熙燥髮知慕二賢,今獲睹手墨,如承顏色。 後學四明豐熙謹識 杜、唐十張、二韓書,世罕見。匏翁博古稱藻鑑,要為不誣。予謂數公非以書擅名,今去之五六百年,而名家珍襲如此,其可重固有在哉! 嘉靖庚寅蜡月既望,四明豐熙識

2 Calligraphies

Feng Hsi, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

The first one depicts the color of the ink of the calligraphies, written by famous calligraphers Fan Chungyen and Sma Kuang of Sung Dynasty, remains fresh in spite of being collected through many hands. The second one points out the importance of ancient calligraphies despite the rarity there are still many people who treasured the value of the calligraphies and collected them..

