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復叔訓帖 A letter for Yutao with admiration

孟端再拜奉復叔訓有道先生文几:僕向在鄉里,時聞令譽藉甚,而不得面。惟士大夫持卷軸來京師,往往見高文偉什,輒望風馳仰則勤耳。今春季謙來,辱惠書存問,誼同夙契,感佩良多。承以味易齋卷徵畫并詩,非惟旅窗塵集,不能卒辦。蓋亦名齋之義,奧於理學,自非深於道者,莫能發揚斯旨。而況末藝小生,以鄙辭俗筆所可形容粉繪於其間哉:故敢方命,已煩季謙持券歸。臨別嘗口達此意,因匆迫失於裁謝,負罪諒察。未幾,季良至,期在必得。自顧窞然,無一可取,故尚因循,至今有所未敢。近小兒來,領命促之,固辭不可,於是塞命奉去,自知不能稍副雅意,適足貽笑放大方家也。愧汗,愧汗。末由參對,惟冀良便數惠教是幸。新秋伏想齋居順裕,講道之餘,主賓悅懌,諸生濟濟,風致為可羨也。未間惟冀以道自重,遠膺寵召。不宣。 七日廿日,孟端再拜 聚玉堂諸昆仲雅集,乞申意。孟端再拜

A letter for Yutao with admiration

Wang Mengtuan, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

Wang Mengtuan was aware of the fame of Yutao and admirations for him, but he did not have the opportunity to meet him as he returned home. He met him after he arrived in the capital and he felt like they had known each other for many years; Yutao was very kind to him and asked for his calligraphy. Mengtuan was afraid his calligraphy was not good enough; therefore he could not complete a good piece of work for Yutao in a short period of time. During this period Yotao often sent someone to inquire his progress on the calligraphy until he finished the calligraphy and it was given to Yutao along with this letter that totally conveys his admiration for Yutao.

