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與寓齋帖 A letter

右頓首拜復寓齋先生尊親坐下:右近擬同過可久公處,通回笠澤, 遂孤夙約。別來旬餘,正茲懷仰,而手書下逮,媿喜無已。敬初先生 學與行稱,俯就小館,非獨使童子受業,而不肖亦得朝夕聽教,為幸 多矣。似非先生作成,何以得此。外承葉知州相公,欲借《玉海》,須 賤者人城,併用送去。會問先乞引賤名伸敬。因敬初歸,亟此奉書, 不具。 右頓首拜復 頓首拜復寓齋先生尊親坐下 沈右謹完

A letter

Shen Yu, Yuan Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a personal letter to a friend whom Shen Yu had not seen for a long time since they last met. In addition to giving his regards to the friend he also talked about lending him some books.

