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與嬸嬸書帖 A letter to my aunt

道昇跪覆嬸嬸夫人前:道昇久不奉字,不勝馳想。秋深漸寒, 計惟淑履清安。近尊堂太夫人與令姪吉沛父皆在此,一再相會,想嬸 嬸亦已知之。茲有蜜果四盝:糖霜餅四包、郎君口廿尾、柏燭百條拜 納,聊見微意,辱略物領誠,感當何如。未會晤間,冀對時珍愛。官人不別作書,附此致意。三總管想即日安勝,郎娘悉佳。不宣。 九月廿日,通昇跪覆

A letter to my aunt

Kuan Taoshen, Yuan Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a letter madam Chao addressed to her aunt. In the letter she expressed her thoughts of missing her aunt and mentioned a present was also forwarded along with the letter.

