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與次山帖 A letter to Tsushan

孟頫再拜次山總管仁弟足下:別來倏已二載,日坐擾擾,不得時 奉書。伏想履候清佳。不肖竊祿于此,欲歸而未可得,此心殊搖搖也。 因十哥還,冗中援筆,具字極草草,餘唯善護。老妻致意閣政夫人。 不宣。 正月十九日,孟頫再拜 啟事再拜次山總管仁弟足下皮帽 一枚同往。孟頫謹封

A letter to Tsushan

Chao Mengfu, Yuan Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a letter Mengfu wrote to Tsushan. They had not seen each other for more than two years, and they could only express thoughts of missing via correspondence.

