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道林帖 To sweep dust for welcome guests

米芾自書詩帖,詩中描寫的是: 在鬱鬱蔥蔥的松林之中,有一座寺院,僧人一見客人到來,便「擁帚」、置茗相迎接。「擁帚」亦稱「擁慧」,掃地之意。古人迎候尊貴,惟恐塵埃觸及客人,常擁 帚以示敬意。「茶細旋探簷」,意為從屋簷上掛著的茶籠中取出細美的茶葉。「探簷」一詞,生動地表現了寺院僧人以茶請客的同時,也記錄了宋代茶葉貯存的特定 方式。蔡襄的《茶錄》中曾有「茶不入焙者宜密封,裹以蒻,籠盛之置高處,不近濕氣。」的論述。米芾的詩,正可謂是這個論述的註腳。
樓閣明丹堊 杉松振老髯 偕迎方擁帚 茶細旋採簷

To sweep dust for welcome guests

Mi Fu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

There was a temple hiding in flourish pinewoods. The monks would start sweeping the floor the moment they saw visitors coming. In ancient time, people often sweep dust off floor as a way to welcome guests, thus holding a broom was a way of showing respect to guests.

