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與彥修帖 A greeting letter

熹頓首彥脩少府足下:別來三易裘葛,時想光霽,倍我遐思。黔中名勝之地,若雲山紫苑,峰勢泉聲,猶為耳目所聞睹,足稱高懷矣。然猿啼月落,應動故鄉之情乎;熹邇來隱跡杜門,釋塵棼於講誦之餘,行簡易於禮法之外。長安日近,高臥維艱,政學荒蕪,無足為門下道者。子潛被命涪城,如必由故人之地,敬馳數行上問。并附新茶二盝,以貢左右。少見遠懷不盡區區。熹再拜上問彥惰少府足下 仲春六日

A greeting letter

Chu Hsi, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This was a letter of giving regards to a friend. The two friends had no seen each other more than three years. As time passed by, Chu Hsi thought of the friend even more. Chu His also mentioned his life in Suchan, He lived a simple and relaxing life, thus he was able to cut off the red tape. In the end of the letter Chu Hsi mentioned that the new tea he gave the friend was a way of expressing his yearning on the friend.

