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與子東帖 A letter to Tzutung

應辰頓首再拜:被口口審早上起居佳安。小錄謹納去,期集明日未能辦,須再展。昨見許公執云:須待中庸畢工,方可期集。及見染帥乃云:中庸畢工,當在後月初間,局中錢物不足,決不可候其期。容面稟丞相理會,卻相聞也。不宣。 應辰頓首再拜子東學士丈

A letter to Tzutung

Wang Yingchen, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a letter Wang Yingchen wrote to Tzutung to discuss the deadline of completing something, the possible delay influenced by inadequate budget and the final decision that was still waiting to be made by someone who was in higher rank.

