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拜違帖 A letter to a relative

游皇恐再拜:拜違道義,忽復許時,仰懷誨益,未嘗一日忘也。桐江戍期,忽在目前,盛暑非道塗之時,而代者督趣甚切,不免用此月下濣登舟。愈遠門闌,心目俱斷。然親家赴鎮,亦不過數月間,彼此如風中蓬,未知相遇復在何日。憑紙黯然,惟日望召歸,遂躋禁途,為親舊之光爾。 游惶恐再拜

A letter to a relative

Lu Yu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This was a letter Lu Yu wrote to a relative. Although it had been just a couple of months since they separated from each other, it was getting hard to hear from him and he wondered when they could meet again. He wished that the relative would come home soon. They would be proud of him if the relative could make great achievement in the imperial government.

