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垂誨帖 A letter to a friend

成大向蒙垂誨,先夫人志中欲改定數處,即已如所教,一一更竄添入。久已寫下草子,正以一兩處疑,封題在書案數月矣,而未敢遣。一則,今之所增贈典及諸孫及婿官稱姓名等,皆是目今事,而僕作志,乃是吾儕在湖蜀時。恐公點檢出來,卻是一病。若不以此為病,則可耳。公可更細考而詳思之,若有所疑,即飛介見諭,當即日回報,不敢復如前日之遲徊。二則,本欲力拙自書,而劣體日增倦乏,不能如願。不知吳興想不乏能書者,就令朱書於石,尤良便耳。揮汗草草,率略不罪不罪。 成大再拜

A letter to a friend

Fan Chengta, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In the letter which Fan Chengta addressed to a friend he explained the reason why he was unable to finish writing the epitaph for the deceased wife of the friend. He told the friend that his health condition was deteriorating and he was afraid that he could not finish writing the epitaph for him and he had to ask someone else to do the writing.

