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焦山題名 Ti-ming in Mt. Chiao

延陵吳居父解組襄陽,汝陰孟子開、臨邛常叔度,皆一時秩滿,聯舟東下,泊紫金山。越三日,來浮玉觀新建飛仙亭又三日,絕江而南。 紹興辛亥季秋丙寅題

Ti-ming in Mt. Chiao

Wu Chu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

The article was written by Wu Chu at Mt. Chiao as he was on his way to his new office in Hsiangyang. Ti-ming means to find a rock and write down your name as well as the names of companie on the rock at a scenic site as an commemoration of being here. This was a general practice for Chinese poets.

