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與總領帖 A letter to the Chief General

世忠咨目再拜啟總領少卿台座符:近專遣人上狀,諒已得達聽瑩。秋暑尚煩,伏惟神相公忠台候萬福。世忠濫叨政務,無補於朝,尚阻良晤,切冀仰副眷倚,以時珍厚。謹上狀,不宣。 世忠咨目再拜啟總領少師台座

A letter to the Chief General

Han Shihchung, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In the letter Han Shihchung sent his regards to the Chief General. Previously he had someone delivered some important document to the Chief General, thus the purpose of this letter was to confirm the arrival of the important document.

