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送使江西詩帖 A farewell letter to Tungchich

這位米芾的友人通直,被派任到江西,米芾作這首詩送別。詩前半的大意是通直有廣大的氣度、卓越的見識,以及極高的道德操守。這是表示通直有很好的能力去處理任何事情。後半在描寫景物,但是從描寫景物中,婉轉地表達了米芾對通直的友誼及思念之情 。
黻謹以鄙詩送提舉通直使江西 襄陽米黻上三吳有丈夫,氣欲吞海水。開口論世事,借箸對天子。瑞節高如松,一歲幾繁使。秋水浮湘月,樽酒屢覯止。言別不可攀,寥虛看雲駛。

A farewell letter to Tungchich

Mi Fu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

Tungchich, Mi Fu’s friend, was assigned to Chianghsi Province and Mi Fu wrote this poem to say farewell to the friend. The first half of the poem described Tungchich was someone with kindness, great vision, and superior virtue. He believed he was capable of handling thing well if something happened. The second half described some scenery, which indirectly revealed how he cherished their friendship and he would miss his friend.

