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盛製帖 A thank-you letter to a friend

盛製珍藏榮感,日夕為相識拉出,遂未得。前見寒光之作,固所願也。一兩日面納次。 黻頓首天啟親 老米此尺牘,似為蔡天啟作。筆墨字形之妙,盡見於此。 董其昌題

A thank-you letter to a friend

Mi Fu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

Mi Fu sent the letter to a friend to express his gratitude. Mi Fu gave the friend a piece of his calligraphy. The friend treasured the gift in a great deal, not only he had it framed, he also took it out for appreciation everyday. Mi Fu was much moved and wrote the letter to thank him.

