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烝徒帖 My military speciality

芾烝徒如禁旅,嚴肅過州郡,兩人並行寂無聲,功皆省。三日先 了。蒙張都大、鮑提倉、呂提舉壕寨左藏,皆以為諸邑第一功夫,想 聞左右。若得此十二萬夫,自將可勒賀蘭。不妄,不妄 芾皇恐

My military speciality

Mi Fu, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

Mi Fu was a scholar, an artist, but he was also good at administrative affairs. In this article he talked about how to train soldiers for combat. He was so proud of the quality of the troops he had trained, and he believed they were just as good as the guarding troops of the capital. In addition he also bragged he had trained engineering troops whose construction work was the best of the country.

