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與立之帖 A thank-you letter to Lichich

庭堅頓首:辱教審侍奉萬福為慰。承讀書綠陰,頗得閑樂,甚善,甚善!欲為素兒錄數十為妙曲作樂,尚未就爾。所送紙太高,但可書大字。若欲小行書,須得矮紙乃佳。適有賓客,奉荅草率。 庭堅頓首立之承奉足下

A thank-you letter to Lichich

Huang Tingchien, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a thank-you letter Huang Tingchien addressed to Lichich for giving him some superior quality paper. He thought the paper was good for writing large characters rather than small characters. In the end of the letter he made an apology for not being able to continue writing the letter because some visitors came while he was writing the letter. He hoped Lichich would not blame him for writing such a simple letter.

