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與公蘊帖 A letter to Kungyuyn

庭堅再拜:道塗疲曳,不得附承動靜,遂六十許日。處處阻雨雪,今乃至荊州爾。春氣暄暖,即日不審體力何如。王事不至勞勤,頗得與僚友共文字之樂否?所差人極濟,行李道上殊得力。荊州上峽乘舟,不大費而差安便。遂不須人,故遣回。明日登舟即行,方此阻遠,臨書增情,千萬為道自重。謹勒手狀。 三月四月,庭堅再拜上公蘊知縣宣德執事

A letter to Kungyuyn

Huang Tingchien, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

In the letter Huang Tingchien explained why his arrival at the destination was much later than expected because of heavy snowfalls. He also inquired the recent condition of his friend, Kungyuyn, and wanted him to take good care of himself.

