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詩帖 4 Poems

贈遠夫 眉山蘇過 忠獻活邦國,名與崧岱尊。淒涼幾年後,贈印王其門。遠夫天下士,秀氣鍾璵璠。從來萬夫傑,不產三家村。全英往繼之,要使風流存。試后四詩 過錄呈 金陵上吳開府兩絕句 時平無事清吟好,衛霍貪功未是奇。爭似一篇人膾炙,四方傳誦臥龍詩。開府帥襄陽時,嘗游隆中,為諸葛孔明賦詩,有翻覆看俱好之句,為世稱誦,故云。 廟堂陶鑄人材盡,流落江淮老病身。又踏槐花隨舉子,思量鄧禹是何人。再游儀真呈張使君 江淮冠蓋鬧如林,求一知己何處尋!風月欲談嫌許事,山川不險似人心。使君德量如天遠,舉子科名自陸沈。秋氣未悲先淚下,黃花雖好不曾簪。 寄如皋葉尉 借馬石莊去,天寒曉出門。亂岡行兔窟,數點入鴉村。欲醉酒力薄,如迷海氣昏。客游無限事,端的向誰言。

4 Poems

Su Kuo, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

The beginning of the letter was a poem Su Kuo wrote for Yuanfu to. admire Yuanfu’ loyalty and virtue that deserved to pass on for generations. The rest of the letter included four poems. The first one stated that a good poem deserved being read by everyone; the second one talked about that it was hard to find good officers because they had spread out to other places, some were getting old, some were sick and some were deceased. Although they had accomplished great achievements, all vanished in the end. The third poem described beautiful landscape, but Su Kuo sighed for the evils hidden inside one’s heart. The last poem described the desolate scenery he saw while going horseback riding in the countryside. He had lots of thought in his mind but there was no one whom he could share with.

