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魚枕冠頌帖 A fish, pillow and Buddhism

瑩凈魚枕冠,細觀初何物。形氣偶相值,忽然而為魚。不幸遭罔罟,剖魚而得枕。方其得枕時,是枕非復魚。湯火就模範,口然冠五嶽。方其為冠時,是冠非復枕。成壞無窮已,究竟亦非冠。假使未變壞,送與無髮人。簪導無所施,是名為何物。我觀此幻身,已作露電觀。而況身外物,露電亦無有。佛子慈愍故,願受我此冠。若見冠非冠,則知我非我。五濁煩惱中,清淨常歡喜。 僕在黃岡時,戲作此等語十數篇,漸復忘之。元祐三年八月廿九日,同僚早出,獨坐玉堂,忽憶此二首,聊復錄之。 翰林學士眉山蘇軾記

A fish, pillow and Buddhism

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

Tungpo mentioned that the article was written for fun. He discussed the uncertainty in life by writing a story of a fish which was caught and a pillow was found in the fish. He stated that people could live freely in a disturbing world only if they understood that everything they owned in the world would eventually disappear. One can distinguish Tungpo’s accomplishment in Buddhism by reading this article.

