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觀陳公詩後帖 A wise elder, Chen

故三司副使吏部陳公,軾不及見其人,然少時所識一時名卿勝士,多推尊之。爾來前輩,凋喪略盡,能稱誦公者,漸不復見。得其理言遺事,皆當記錄寶藏,況其文章乎!公之孫師仲,錄公之詩廿五篇以示,軾三復太息,以想見公之大略云。 元豐四年十一月廿二日,眉陽蘇軾書

A wise elder, Chen

Su Shih, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

Chen was a senior officer and Tungpo had never met him in person, however many famous courtiers or scholars who Tungpo met while he was younger paid respect to Chen. Now many well known senior officers were no longer existed. Chen’s grandson rewrote twenty five Chen’s poems and gave them to Tungpo. He was rather moved after reading the poems and was able to learn what a person Chen was.

