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與齊古帖 To a good friend, Chiku

這是李建中寫給齊古的書信。李建中稱齊古為「同年」指的不是年紀相同,而是指同榜進士,也就是在同一年的科舉考試之中考上的人,彼此互稱為「同年」。 內容首先說到兩人不相見已有兩年多了,對齊古非常的思念。然後說明李建中的近況,是脾胃從去年秋天就有狀況,還沒有全癒,就因為公務不停地勞累,導致未能好好休養,又因為近來天氣轉冷,使得情況更為嚴重,除此之外就沒有其他問題了。最後希望齊古也要好好保重自己的身體,同時也為劉先輩傳達關心齊古心意。

To a good friend, Chiku

Lee Chienchung, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

The author stated in the letter that he had been missing Chiku since they saw each other two years ago. Then he talked about his health condition. He had some stomach problem and it was not completely cured. It was caused by busy work and lack of rest. Lately it was getting colder and his symptom turned worse. Other than that he was doing well. In the end of the letter he asked Chiku to take care of himself as well.

