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畫跋 An article about the painting

二十冊幅,繼南弟戊午歲留山堂,囑余為作家珍筆。余之繪事,無定期也。或在詩興中,遇意而成也,或酒豪興起成也。此二十冊,余留几案間四載。辛酉歲春初,近搆靜閣三楹竹莊西畔,屏蹟杜門,散髮自娛。其間境日黃鳥為儔,白雲侶賓,在詩酒之餘,便作山石縈帶,林木蔽虛,雜踏人家下上,行旅往來,各倣一家。或三五日聚一景,或幾旬而致高閣,或幾月復加數筆。山石竹枝,古木花卉,余曾古人筆,得心遇目者,追想其神,非詫其為之之不在易得耳,在興之至不至,觀者當察余之苦心畫學也。 弘治乙丑冬十月十九日,竹莊老人沈周

An article about the painting

Shen Chou, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

This article explains the reason why Shen Chou decided to paint and what he went through emotionally while he was painting. It all started with the paper given by his brother. He brought lots of paper to Shen Chou and asked him to paint with the paper. Shen Chou was a spontaneous painter it took him four years to use up the paper; sometimes, it could take several times to finish one painting and then added a few strokes several months later. Anyway, Shen Chou expected people not only liked his paintings they must understand how much efforts he had put into the paintings as well.

