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與民望帖 A letter to a friend

別久不勝企仰,屢辱詩翰見惠,故舊之情,溢於言表。鄉人之便,輒詢動履清嘉,深用為慰。側聞貴庠密處萬山之中,清僻之極,必多吉跡,豈天留此以待先生。況先生官清政簡,才贍學優,敷教之餘,尋訪登脁,逐一題品,發古跡之幽,增山水之光。然則茲行也,夫豈 枉哉!使載諸郡誌,頡頏古人,馳聘於文場,所屈雖小,所伸則大矣。先生遠識,亦豈不以鄙言為確論耶!僕以老嬾無用,不足為故人道。 幸侍樁庭,喜懼交併,口書草草,不罪疏陋萬萬。 友弟金琮再拜 民望鄉尊先生閣下

A letter to a friend

Chin Chung, Ming Dynasty

Inside Story

This is a transcript Wu Kuan copied from a letter written by Wang Wei, a poet of Tang Dynasty, to his friend Feiti. While Wang Wei was strolling up to a hill in the middle of the night; the scenery made him realized he was a lonely man without any friends around him. Then he recalled the time he used to travel together with Teiti, and started to miss him. He wrote this letter asking Feiti when they could travel together again. In this letter Wang Wei revealed great affections to his friend.

