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與德俊帖 A letter to Techung

孟頫頓首:德俊茂才友愛足下:昨便中承惠書,兼寄碼腦界尺并紙卷,欲書金丹四百字。當時寫畢,附便寄還矣。今茲便中得書,乃云未至,殊以為駭。但失記何人寄去,昏忘憶不得,殊以慚愧。若旦夕思想得是何人,當報去追取。或記憶不起,當別寫一卷奉納也。不肖不幸書頗好,凡寄書與人,多是為寄書人所匿。甚苦,其若。棕笠之惠,極仞厚意,感激無喻。因吳宣使便,專此奉荅。時中善保不具。 孟頫啟事頓首 五月十七日 啟事奉復德俊茂才友愛足下趙孟頫就封松江夏七提領宅問五官人投上

A letter to Techung

Chao Mengfu, Yuan Dynasty

Inside Story

Techung made a request to Mengfu for his calligraphy in the letter. Mengfu had someone deliver the calligraphy to him but he did not receive it. It is thus that Mengfu’s calligraphies were very popular at that time, and they were often stolen by carriers

