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與宣撫書帖 A letter to an old friend

汝文頓首再拜宣撫觀文僕射相公鈞座:去違左右,有年數矣,昨者流寓閩粵,通大旆亦戾止。汝文遲暮之餘,挂冠謝事,杜門自屏,不復出謁。以故無緣諧賓次,竊意門下車轍以千數,豈一老庸來去為多少也!謹因使還,附承起居。謹狀。 汝文頓首再拜宣撫觀文僕射相公鈞座

A letter to an old friend

Chai Ruwen, Sung Dynasty

Inside Story

The content of the letter was that Chai Ruwen had not seen his friend for several years. He had resigned from the office and he no longer involved in official matters, hence the chance they would meet in the official circle was even less.

